Articles, papers, exhibitions and conferences papers:
For my publications (papers, articles, exhibitions and conference papers) please see website at Uppsala University: and at
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For my publications (papers, articles, exhibitions and conference papers) please see website at Uppsala University: and at
Artiklar, utställningar och konferenspresentationer:
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Articles - Artiklar
2017. Öhman, Places and Peoples: Sámi Feminist Technoscience and Supradisciplinary Research” in Sources and Methods in Indigenous Studies, eds. Chris Andersen and Jean M. O’Brien, Routledge.
2017. Henrik Andersson och May-Britt Öhman. Var dag en kamp för skogssamisk framtid: Ett (drygt) år med Henrik Andersson, renskötare i Gällivare skogssameby –Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II, Öhman, Hedlund och Larsson (red.) Uppsam:s skriftserie 2, Uppsam, Uppsala, 51-62.
2017. Öhman, Kolonisationen, rasismen och intergenerationella trauman: Analys, reflektioner och förslag utifrån ett skriande behov av samiskLEDD forskning och undervisning, Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II, Öhman, Hedlund och Larsson (red.) Uppsam:s skriftserie 2, Uppsam, Uppsala, 99-113.
2016. Öhman, May-Britt and Thunqvist, Eva-Lotta. Human Bodies and the Forces of Nature: Technoscience Perspectives on Hydropower Dams, Safety, Human Security, Emotions and Embodied Knowledges. International Journal of Technoscience and Development, Karlshamn: Makerere University and the Research Division of Technoscience Studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology. 1(1): 1-14
2016. Öhman, M., Palo, M., Thunqvist, E. Public participation, Human Security and Public Safety around Dams in Sweden: A case study of the regulated Ume and Lule Rivers. Safety Science Monitor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 19(2), 8.
2016. Öhman, TechnoVisions of a Sámi cyborg: re-claiming Sámi body-, land- and waterscapes after a century of colonial exploitations in Sápmi, Ill-disciplined gender: Nature/Culture and Transgressive encounters, Bull/ Fahlgren,(Eds.) Springer
2016. Öhman, Embodied Vulnerability in Large Scale Technical Systems – Vulnerable Dam Bodies, Water Bodies and Human Bodies, Käll, L. F. (ed.) Bodies, Boundaries and Vulnerabilities. Springer.
2014. Öhman, May-Britt and Frances Wyld. " From Hi-Story to History in the Lands of Fire and Ice; Embodiment as Indigenous in a colonised hemisphere" in ‘Ego-Histoire’, Europe and Indigenous Studies Castejon, Cole, Haag and Hughes (eds) Biographical Lives Series, ANU E Press
2010. Öhman “‘Sweden Helps’: Efforts to Formulate the White Man’s Burden for the Wealthy and Modern Swede” Kult 7 - Special Issue. Nordic Colonial Mind, Roskilde Univ., 2010, 122-142.
2010. Öhman. Being May-Britt Öhman: Or, Reflections on my own Colonized Mind Regarding Hydropower Constructions in Sápmi, Elovaara, Sefyrin, Öhman & Björkman, (eds.) Travelling thoughtfulness – Feminist technoscience stories. Umeå Univ., Dept. of Informatics, 2010, 269-292
2009. Öhman.”Grön el och kolonisationen av Sápmi”, Genus i Norrsken, 2009(2):3-8.
2006. Öhman. “On Visible Places and Invisibilized Peoples: Swedish State-supported Hydropower Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples’ Territories”, Baraldi et al. (eds), Taking Place Sagamore Beach, 189-221.
2008. Hoag, Heather J. and May-Britt Öhman. 2008. “Turning Water into Power: Debates over the Development of Tanzania’s Rufiji River Basin, 1961-1985, Technology & Culture, 2008, Vol. 49: 624-651
2017. Henrik Andersson och May-Britt Öhman. Var dag en kamp för skogssamisk framtid: Ett (drygt) år med Henrik Andersson, renskötare i Gällivare skogssameby –Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II, Öhman, Hedlund och Larsson (red.) Uppsam:s skriftserie 2, Uppsam, Uppsala, 51-62.
2017. Öhman, Kolonisationen, rasismen och intergenerationella trauman: Analys, reflektioner och förslag utifrån ett skriande behov av samiskLEDD forskning och undervisning, Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II, Öhman, Hedlund och Larsson (red.) Uppsam:s skriftserie 2, Uppsam, Uppsala, 99-113.
2016. Öhman, May-Britt and Thunqvist, Eva-Lotta. Human Bodies and the Forces of Nature: Technoscience Perspectives on Hydropower Dams, Safety, Human Security, Emotions and Embodied Knowledges. International Journal of Technoscience and Development, Karlshamn: Makerere University and the Research Division of Technoscience Studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology. 1(1): 1-14
2016. Öhman, M., Palo, M., Thunqvist, E. Public participation, Human Security and Public Safety around Dams in Sweden: A case study of the regulated Ume and Lule Rivers. Safety Science Monitor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 19(2), 8.
2016. Öhman, TechnoVisions of a Sámi cyborg: re-claiming Sámi body-, land- and waterscapes after a century of colonial exploitations in Sápmi, Ill-disciplined gender: Nature/Culture and Transgressive encounters, Bull/ Fahlgren,(Eds.) Springer
2016. Öhman, Embodied Vulnerability in Large Scale Technical Systems – Vulnerable Dam Bodies, Water Bodies and Human Bodies, Käll, L. F. (ed.) Bodies, Boundaries and Vulnerabilities. Springer.
2014. Öhman, May-Britt and Frances Wyld. " From Hi-Story to History in the Lands of Fire and Ice; Embodiment as Indigenous in a colonised hemisphere" in ‘Ego-Histoire’, Europe and Indigenous Studies Castejon, Cole, Haag and Hughes (eds) Biographical Lives Series, ANU E Press
2010. Öhman “‘Sweden Helps’: Efforts to Formulate the White Man’s Burden for the Wealthy and Modern Swede” Kult 7 - Special Issue. Nordic Colonial Mind, Roskilde Univ., 2010, 122-142.
2010. Öhman. Being May-Britt Öhman: Or, Reflections on my own Colonized Mind Regarding Hydropower Constructions in Sápmi, Elovaara, Sefyrin, Öhman & Björkman, (eds.) Travelling thoughtfulness – Feminist technoscience stories. Umeå Univ., Dept. of Informatics, 2010, 269-292
2009. Öhman.”Grön el och kolonisationen av Sápmi”, Genus i Norrsken, 2009(2):3-8.
2006. Öhman. “On Visible Places and Invisibilized Peoples: Swedish State-supported Hydropower Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples’ Territories”, Baraldi et al. (eds), Taking Place Sagamore Beach, 189-221.
2008. Hoag, Heather J. and May-Britt Öhman. 2008. “Turning Water into Power: Debates over the Development of Tanzania’s Rufiji River Basin, 1961-1985, Technology & Culture, 2008, Vol. 49: 624-651
Edited Volumes - Antologier
Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II
Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie. II, En supradisciplinär antologi härrörande från Uppsams vårsymposium, Uppsala universitet, 28–29 april 2014 / red.: May-Britt Öhman, Cecilia Hedlund och Gunilla Larsson. - 2017. - ISBN: 978-91-88559-28-9 Länk till fulltext PDF: |
RE: mindings : co-constituting indigenous, academic, artistic knowledges
eds. Johan Gärdebo, May-Britt Öhman, Hiroshi Maruyama, 2014.

ISBN: 9789186531102
Kan köpas från/ Buy from, Adlibris (e-book) and from UPPSALA MULTIETHNIC PAPERS, Hugo Valentin Centrum, Uppsala universitet.
Or send request directly to [email protected] (SEK 350 incl. postage) .Vänligen skriv/ Please write "Re-Mindings request" på ämnesraden/ in subject line.
Click for content and preface available. Now available in full text here (uploaded Dec. 2, 2015)
About the book:
RE: Mindingsbrings together indigenous scholars, artists and activists, and indigenous allies to speak of whose positions, contexts and experiences it is that inform the construction of knowledges, histories and sciences. In short, whose experience counts?
The purpose of RE:Mindings is to encourage its authors and readers to investigate what it means to resist exploitation of humans, non-humans and nature within the frames of modern nation states. Examples are provided from communities within or across the borders of existing nation states: Sámi and Saepmie/Sábme/Sápmi in Fenno-Scandinavia; Aboriginal–Martu in Australia; Ainu people in Japan, Dakota–Native Americans in USA and Mapuche in Chile.
This publication originates from the supradisciplinary symposium RE: Mindings; Co-Constituting Indigenous/Academic/Artistic Knowledges and Understandings of Land-, Water-, Body-, and Lab-scapes, held at Uppsala University, 10–12 October 2012.
Conference website with call, poster and program available at:
Uppsala mitt i Sápmi

Uppsala mitt i Sápmi : rapport från ett symposium arrangerat av Föreningen för samisk-relaterad forskning i Uppsala, Upplandsmuseet 4-5 maj 2011 / red. Håkan Tunón, Märit Frändén, Carl-Gösta Ojala & May-Britt Öhman, Uppsala, CBM - 2012. - ISBN: 9789189232679
Länk till fulltext:

Travelling thoughtfulness : feminist technoscience stories / edited by Pirjo Elovaara; Johanna Sefyrin, May-Britt Öhman & Christina Björkman, Umeå, 2010. ISBN: 978-91-7459-094-4
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Preface and content - click for PDF