Dálkke: Urfolksperspektiv på klimat forskningsprojekt, finansierat av FORMAS inom det Nationella forskningsprogrammet om klimat. https://cemfor.uu.se/forskning/forskningsprojekt/dalkke--urfolksperspektiv-pa-klimat/ Uppsala universitet, CEMFOR, Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism och LTU.
Early september the research project Dálkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies made a study trip to Markbygden, the wind power industrial area in Piteå municipality, and within the grazing lands of the Forest Sámi village of Östra Kikkejaure, and also to the Gällivare Forest Sámi village areas where the state power company Vattenfall plans for a major industrial area, as do the private company Vasavind. Articles and a film is under way. Here are some mobile phone films from this trip. Wind power, in it dominant design and location of today, does not seem to be as "green" as many wish to claim.
Dálkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies research project, funded by FORMAS, within the Swedish National Research program on climate, at Uppsala University, CEMFOR, Centre for multidisciplinary studies on racism, and Luleå University of Technology https://cemfor.uu.se/Research/research-projects/dalkke--indigenous-climate-change-studies/